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Elite Force II – Walkthrough
by Ulf Norlinger

ulf.norlinger <at>

Don’t miss the opportunity to refresh your skills in the Training Program.

NOTE: The wave functions noted below seem to vary between sessions

NOTE2: I didn’t find all the ships and secrets. So if you want to find them, explore a bit yourself.

MISSION 1: End Game <Borg Sphere>
Objective: Locate and meet up with Chell

Walk along the corridor. At the end of the corridor, directly to the right, you have a Borg Distribution Node. Destroy it with your phaser. Turn left, and destroy the Power Coupling. This will make the green force field go down ahead of you. In the next room, take the lift down. Go forward, and down the corridor. To the left you will see the trapped Chell. But before you release him, turn right and destroy the Plasma Conduit. Crouch into the hole which opens below it and destroy the Borg Distribution Node in the room you will end up in. Go back to Chell, and use your tricorder to modulate The Shield Control Node directly to the right of the yellow force field. When Chell is released, continue to the other side of the room he was trapped in, and destroy the Plasma Conduit. Move into the hole below it. At the junction, use your tricorder and the Structure Integration Mode to locate a weakening in the wall. Open it with your phaser, and climb up the tubes to get a ship. Continue along the path and destroy the Power Coupling at the end. This will lower the green force field.

Objective: Rescue Chang

Continue along the corridors until you exit the area. The opening cinematics for the nexta area shows Chang beeing taken by the Borg and moved to an assimilation chamber. In the big room beside you you will see the trapped Voyager. You will also notice that you can’t longer use your I-Modulator weapon. Change quickly to your Compression Rifle, and use the alternate firing mode to elimate the Borgs. Then destroy the Plasma Conduit besides the green force field and move into the hole beneath it. Destroy the Borg Distribution Node and the Power Coupling at the end of the path. Walk through the corridors to the right of the Plasma Conduit. When you arrive at a yellow forcefield you can recharge your weapons and restore your health at the terminals. Use your tricorder to lower the force field. In the next room, take the lift down. You will see Chang in the assimilation chamber. You have to hurry if you want to see him released. So run quickly into the corridor to the left of the room in which Chang is (You can later use your tricorder to find a weakening in the wall in this corridor, directly to the left of the entrance. Pick a ship and destroy a Borg Distribution Node there), jump over some pipes and use your tricorder to lower the yellow forcefield. In the next room, destroy the Power Coupling. Return quickly to the room Chang is held in, and kill the Borgs on the way. It is possible that the Borgs have adapted to your rifle, so if its modes are not working, change to the phaser and use the alternate mode. TIP: If you have problems finding a mode working on the Borgs, let your collegues eliminate them (You are a coward, or ...?).

Objective: Destroy the Plasma Conduit to disrupt the green force field

To the left of the lift you arrived from, there is a Plasma Conduit, destroy it, and follow the tubes to the end. There, destroy the Power Coupling. Then take the lift back up to Chell.

Objective: Locate and meet up with Telsia

Go to the corridors right of the lift and use the terminals there. Then return to the corridors in front of the lift. You will now leave this area. Take the lift down to the right. Follow the corridors. In the big Borg room, destroy the Borg Distibution Node to the left of the entrance to the next corridor. Follow the corridors until you see Telsia behind a green force field.

Objective: Rescue Telsia

As the next step is time critical, ready your phaser and run quickly through the corridors (hold right), avoid engaging the Borgs. Move through a blue corridor, and destroy the Plasma Conduct in the corridor next to the room where Telsia is. Move quickly through the hole beneath and destroy the Power Coupling at the end of the tubes.

Objective: Proceed to Main Lift

To the left of the exit from the room where Telsia was held, destroy the Power Coupling. Follow the corridors back (hold right). After a while you will end up at a lift. Take this up. Follow the corridors to the Borg room. Directly to the right of the exit from the corridor there are a Borg Distribution Node and a Power Coupling. Take out these. Continue through the corridors until you end up in a big square shaped room. In this room you can find both an energy terminal and a health terminal (on opposite walls). Take out the Power Coupling to the right, and the Borg Distribution Node to the left of the Health terminal, so you can continue through the corridor to the wall left of the Health terminal. Proceed to the Main Lift.

Objective: Locate and Shut Down Node Disabling I-Mod

Go to the exit on the opposite side of the square shaped room. Use the tricorder to lower the force field. In the next corridor, to your left, is an energy terminal, to the right the I-Mod Disabling Node, a Plasma Conduit, and a Borg Distribution node. Take out these last three. You can now use your I-Mod weapon again. Then return to the big room and the exit on the opposite right. Follow the corridor to the next big room, and destroy the Borg Distribution node on the opposite wall. In the corridor to the right is a Health terminal. Continue along the corridor until you exit the area.

Objective: Locate and Shut Down Dampening Field Generator 1

At the end of the first corridor you have a Plasma Conduit on the right. Take it out. Then proceed to the lift on the big room ahead. You will take it down to the floor beneath. Leave the room and take out the Power Coupling to the right in the next corridor. This will lower the force field to the first dampening field generator. Continue passed the regenerating Borgs and destroy the Borg Distribution node to the left in this corridor. To the left in the next corridor you have an energy terminal, and directly to the right the entrance to the room with the first dampening field generator. Use your tricorder to modulate the tricorder wave. Adjust the wave in the order; Amplitude, Frequency, Offset (6, 8, 4).

Objective: Locate and Shut Down Dampening Field Generator 2

Continue through the corridors (turn right from the dampening field generator room). In the corridor, just before the bridge, you have a Health terminal to the left. Proceed through the corridors until you leave the area. Then follow the corridors to a big room. To the right you have a health terminal and to the left the node for the second dampening field generator. Destroy it. Follow the corridor to the second field generator, directly to the right of the corridor you just exit from. Set the modulator wave (5, 4, 7).

Objective: Locate and Shut Down Dampening Field Generator 3

Go back to the big room and turn to the right corridor. Pass the room with the blue vertical cylinder. Continue to the next corridor and then turn left to reach an energy terminal. Follow this corridor back to a new junction. Turn right, and follow this corridor to the end. There, take out the Power Coupling to allow access to the room with the third dampening field generator. Follow the corridor back until you arrive at the generator room. Set the modulator wave (3, 8, 6).

Objective: Destroy the Borg Boss

A malfunction in the transportation, result in you being transferred to the Borg Central Plexus where you have to meet the Borg Boss. This fight is relatively easily if you use the right tactic. Use your tricoder to modulate the Shield Control Nodes and then quickly destroy the Borg Distibution Nodes (The three columns placed in a triangular pattern). The advanced borg drone will freeze between each destruction of the nodes, and then is easy to hit without him returning your fire. The nodes will self-repair, so you have to do this repeatedly. You can also use the two energy terminals right ahead of you (from where you entered).

Objective: Meet the Visitor at the Main Entrance

Take the turbo lift down to the ground level (there, turn left), and exit the building to meet Tuvok.

Objective: Visit the Headmaster’s Office

Cross the courtyard and enter the left building. Take the turbolift to Headmaster’s office.

Objective: Meet with Telsia in the courtyard

Take the turbolist to ground level and talk to Telsia in the courtyard. The best answer here is: “It won’t work. We both need starfleet or we’ll go stir-crazy”

MISSION 2: Reassignment <Starfleet Academy>

2 years later.

Objective: Escape Klingon Base (Holodeck mission)

Kill the Romulans.

Objective: Repair the door to the baracks

Crouch through the service tubes directly to the right of the lift. You have to avoid the pulsating flames through syncronizing your moves. At the last flame, hold to the left. After you have exit the tubes, wait behind the right wall. You can take out three of the Romulans that way. Then, move quickly to the other side of the room, where you can find an energy panel. In the route box, arrange the circuits as instructed so the door opens. Proceed up the stairs and take out the Romulans exiting the lift. Restore your health at the health panel to the left. Then enter the lift and follow the corridor to the room with the Bat’leth at the center. Pick it up. Take out the remaining Romulans with the Bat’leth if you want.

Objective: Visit Deck B Armory

Go to the Armory on the same floor. It can be good to first visit the sickbay on the opposite side of the corridor to get full armor (at the Health terminal).

Objective: Eliminate all opponents to complete the holodeck training

After the training, don’t forget to visit the sickbay again to restore your health/armor.

Objective: Talk with Jurot in the Hazard Operations Locker Room

Take the turbolift to Hazard Operations. In the Locker Room you can for fun open Munroe’s Locker using the tricorder (code: 216). Talk with Jurot.

Objective: Talk with Chell in the Hazard Operations Briefing Room

Go to the room next by and talk with Chell.

Objective: Report to the Bridge

Take the turbolift to deck one, Bridge.

MISSION 3: Derelict <USS Dallas>
Objective: Reroute the power to the cargo bay door

Take the stairs up and at the far corner, use your tricorder’s structural integrity mode to expose the weakening in the wall. Use your phaser to break through and pick up the starship and extra shielding (+100). Continue walking on this level until you are above the enclosure. Jump down on the fence below, and then jump off near the corner where the Cargo Door Control Grid panel is located. Use your tricorder to open the routing diagram. First, rotate the piece connected to the red node, away from it. Do the same with the other piece in the vicinity of the red node. Then connect the other pieces so the circuits are complete. When the cargo door is unlocked, jump above the enclosure using the barrels (this is easy as there is no gravity yet), so you land outside the enclosure.

Objective: Find a way to restore gravity

When you try to open the shuttle bay doors, you will get a new objective. But before you move into the jefferies tube, open the rear of the shuttle to get a ship. Then move to the storage room on the other side of the shuttle. On the opposite wall you will find the entrance to the jefferies tube. Use the manual door release to the left and use it until the door is completely open. Then enter into the tube. Follow the tube and turn right at the junction. You will arrive at a lift shaft. Use the Night Vision mode to see the ladder to the left. Climb up the ladder to the next level. From there, jump to the platform on the other side. Use the manual door release to open the door leading to a ladder. Climb down the ladder to reach the artificial gravity controls access panel. Again, use the tricorder to rotate the free pieces away from the red nodes. Then connect the rest of them , so the circuits are complete.

Objective: Unlock Shuttle Bay Doors

Take the ladder up to the next level, and enter the jefferies tube. Continue to the next exit. Jump down on the roof of the crashed lift, and climb up the ladder to next level. Enter the jefferies tube and walk across the bridge above your collegues. Continue to the next exit, and climb down the ladder to the next level. Enter the jefferies tube to receive a ship. Then return to the ladder and climb down to the bottom. There you will find the Shuttle Bay Door Override. Use the same technique as before to connect the free pieces. You will now exit the area.

Objective: Restore power in engineering

Enter the door to Deck 3. Follow the corridors until you arrive at the Lounge. Enter it. At the far end of the Lounge use your phasers to break through the damaged door. Proceed until you arrive at the Service Door. Enter, and climb up the ladder and open the hatch above to get a ship. Then, climb down to the floor at the bottom. Enter the jefferies tube and follow it to the exit. Climb up the new ladder and open the hatch above you to arrive into the ship’s corridors. Use your phasers to break through the door behind the hatch, and get a ship. Continue along the corridors to the Lounge and exit it at the far end. Proceed until you see a glass door and your collegues. Ready your enhanced compression rifle. You will now meet your first enemies. Kill the first one coming at you, and then run quickly to the glass door, turn around, and shoot the rest of them. Open the glass door and use your tricorder on the Main Power Console at the center of the room. Note, that in this circuit diagram the blue and yellow paths must be separate from each other (i.e. the top and bottom lines).

Objective: Restore power to turbolift

Go back through the glass door you entered through, but turn left at the first corridor. Proceed to the turbolift. As the power is off-line you must enter the jefferies tube to the right of the lift (The Service door). Climb down the ladder to the bottom and use the tricorder on the Turbolift Access Panel. Connect the circuits in the same manner as before. Return to the turbolift above. Take the turbolift up to deck one (the Bridge).

Objective: Retrieve Captain Logs on the Bridge

Continue through the corridors. On the way to the bridge you will loose Jack Franklin to the hostile creatures. Enter the Lounge to the right if you need to repower your weapons. Then to the right before the blue force field. Turn right again into the next corridor (You can also turn left for an alternate path to the bridge). Proceed along the corridor until you find the Service door to the left. Enter. Climb down the ladder to the bottom. Crouch into the jefferies tube. At the junction, proceed right ahead. Open the door and climb up to the hatch above. In the Lounge, use your phaser to break through the door to the right. Enter the bridge. Use your phaser on the door on the opposite side of the bridge (you can identify it with your tricorder’s Integrity Structure Mode). Go in and get the ship. Then return to the bridge and go to the Bridge door to let your collegues in. Watch the cinematics that follows.

Objective: Rescue Dallas crew

Go out through the bridge door and follow the corridor. When you come to a junction, turn right into the next corridor. Open the door, and again to the right. You will now see the blue force field again. Crouch into the hole to the right into a room, and follow the room to the far end. Crouch into the hole to the left. When you exit into the same corridor you came from, use your tricorder on the force field control panel to lower the force fields. Follow the corridor until you arrive at a door. Open it, and proceed to the left. You will now see the door to the Transporter Room. Enter. Use the energy and health terminals to the left, if you need. Then use your tricorder on the Transporter Control Panel.

Objective: Rescue Chell

Hurry back to Chell. Take the same way back as you came from. You will meet numerous hostiles on the way. Decide if you want to fight them or flee from them.

Objective: Report to Shuttle Bay

Take the turbolift to deck seven, Shuttle Bay. If you want you can pick up the Phase Converter in the Cargo Bay.

Objective: Use the Tricorder on the Console

A malfunction in the plasma flow to the warp nacelles needs your assistence. Enter the shuttle from the rear, take the left door and directly besides the next door you find the Plasma Vent Terminal. Use your tricorder on it to modulate the wave (6,7,6). Notice the count down timer.

MISSION 4: Demise <Attrexian Station>

You will arrive on Attrexian Station’s shuttle bay. Nearly instantly you will be attacked by a horde of hostile creatures. So directly after the introducing cinematics run diagonally across the area and shot at the weakened door (below the left exhaust vent). Inside you will find a health and an energy terminal. Charge your armor, and load your Federation Assault Rifle. Take your position here. When the hostiles attack, use alternate mode and kill them as fast as you can. Use the terminals as needed during the fight. After you have finished off the attack, use your tricorder on the Exhaust Vent Control Terminal to turn off the flames. Then you can climb up on the boxes in the corner, to the left from where you are, onto the ramp above. Proceed to the door panel. Open the door and follow the corridors to the dead Attrexian engineer (He could still be alive if you are lucky :). Beside him there are a health and an energy terminal. Use your tricorder on the Mine Cart Control Terminal.

Objective: Restore power to Mine Cart

You have to find the Mine Cart Power Terminal. So take the door directly to the left from where you are. Follow the corridor and turn right at the opening. On the terminal there, use your tricoder to fix the circuits.

Objective: Activate the Mine Cart

Use your tricoder to activate the cart. The cart will crash into the farther wall and make a hole. Pass through it and turn left into the corridor. At the end of the corridor, climb up the ladder. In the room above, recharge your weapons at the energy terminal. Proceed into the next corridor. You will soon arrive into a room with two Attrexians. Talk to them.

Objective: Help Avak’Stas recover Attrexian weapons

As you run through the room you will be attacked by new hostiles. Try to use your phaser, to keep ammunition for the next attack behind the door. When the door is opened, the air lock opens as well. Wait to close the lock after the most of the creatures have flown out into space. Then enter into the room to the right and use your tricorder on the panel to close the air lock. Use the terminals in the same room to restore health and charge your weapons. Follow Avak’Stas and fight off the next attack. It is a good idea to return to the terminals before proceeding to the final fight in the big room. Place yourself at the energy terminal to the right of the weapons door. When the weapons door opens, you can restore health at the terminal inside the room. Avak-Stas will follow you in and fetch the Attrexian weapons. Do the same, and then return to Veng’Pah.

Objective: Escort Avak’Stas back to Veng’Pah

It is very difficult to keep Avak’Stas alive. You must be just ahead of him all the time. Use your alternate mode on the Assault Rifle and mow down the creatures “like a maniak”. Move clock-wise through the room (where most of the hostiles are). When the first room is clear of enemies, it is relatively easy to make it back with Avak’Stas alive.

However, if you fail this objective, you do not fail the mission. Return to the weapons room and break through the farther wall with your phaser. This wall is a bit tough to destroy. Jump into the well and play a fun little game. If you complete it you will get five extra starships.

Now, return to the Attrexians. And proceed through the door behind them. Turn left in the next corridor and open the door. Take the lift to the top floor. You will now exit the area. Continue along the corridor and take next corridor to the left. Resupply at the terminals beside the dead Attrexian. Take the same corridor back and turn right at the second corridor. Follow this corridor to the end and go through the door to the left. You will now see two Attrexians to the left. Talk with them.

Objective: Launch Pod

One of the aliens is trapped in an escape pod. Your task is to launch the pod from the floor above. Wait until the lift comes down. Take it up, and hurry to the Escape Pod Control Terminal. Press the Use key to initiate the launch. Take the lift back to the Attrexians. They will now offer you some energy for your weapons. Wait until the nearby door opens and resupply at the energy terminal. Also pick up 50 plasma. Return to the corridor you arrived in, and take the door on the other side. Turn left in the next corridor and pick up 100 Idryllium energy.

Objective: Proceed to the Command Center.

Return to the lift, and take it up to where the Launch Pod Control was. Take the door to the right. Follow the corridors, and take the ladder up to the next floor. Resupply at the terminals. Take the door nearby, and then the next door to the left. Follow the corridor to the end, and then take the door to the right. Go through the next door and you will arrive at the Command Center.

Objective: Defend the Attrexian Officers

You have now to defend the commanding Attrexian officers. Use your Assault Rifle’s alternate mode and place yourself in the corner to the right of the Attrexians. Fight off the attacking hordes. When they have stopped attacking, run to the opening at the opposite wall, and kill the main creature.

Objective: Rescue Attrexian Chief Engineer

You will now go on together with a Dallas crew member. Take the door with the green light above. Proceed through the corridors until you arrive in a big room where the chief engineer is trapped in the engineer office to the left (You will see her through a window). Take the stairs up, and then the ladder to the ramp above. Follow the ramp to the pipes. Walk on the pipes until you are ahead of the flaming valve. Jump to it when its not flaming, and then directly above the railing. Proceed to the door. Inside the room behind it, you will find the Engineer Office Manual Override. This circuit is a bit difficult. Let all pieces go free from the red nodes, as usual. However, you must connect through the upper right cross, which is connected to a red node. But this doesn’t matter, as long as the rest of the line is clear from shortcuts. Go back the same way you came from. Go to the engineer in the office.

Objective: Restore power to weapon generators

Follow Vor’chov down the lifts. When you are at the weapon generators’ room, hurry to the opposite right corner where you can resupply at the terminals. A hard fight awaits.

Objective: Protect Chief Engineer

When the first horde of creatures arrive, use as usual the Assault Rifle’ alternate mode. When you have killed the first horde, move quickly to the lift, and take cover behind the right wall. Do’nt worry about Vor’chov now, the creatures will only attack you. Take out them as they arrive, one after another.

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